September 29, 2015

Rainbow Reader

We frequent our local library and are familiar with our children's librarian.  She thought of Cooper when she needed to nominate someone for the Rainbow Reader book review.   Cooper immediately answered YES when she asked if he was interested.  So he chose a book to review:
"Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose" by Dr Seuss.
He (with help) wrote a script and memorized it.

 Then when the day and time came, Daddy took the boys to the television studio to record Cooper's segment. 

It was a fun experience for Cooper.
...and Miles enjoyed tagging along!

He did two complete takes then was on his way quickly!

With a Certificate of Achievement in hand.

Cooper recorded his segment in July.  We were later notified that it would air on September 8th at 7:27am.  So we were watching!  It was fun for all of us to see it on TV, especially Cooper.

We're proud of how well he did with memorizing and speaking.
Good Job, Cooper!


  1. Wow he memorized his speech!! Bruce & I figured he was able to read it off a teleprompter. Good job Cooper! You are getting so grown-up!
